From there an obvious platform to the left exists- look south from that platform to find invisible platforms and your shard
At the village with the dogs, just before you enter the cave after climbing the stairs, there is a secret area left of the archway into the dog area.
To the east of the flag you can see a beacon which can be activated via laser sighted rifle.
On a ledge on the stairs south of the warp pad that has a large red flag on the northern most part of it.
In the small village on the stairs up to the primary northern village is an exit in the SE corner which only opens up after beating the boss- go through the little labrynth within to get another.
In the 3 shard door, when you arrive at the room with the two bird wizards and several birdmen and slime (just following the area where you dash north over the long pit) there is a hidden exit on the south left side of the room.
One on the top of the mountain to the immediate right of the large machine.
One in dungeon to the left that you teleport to - just follow it to the end.
After shard 1, just keep going, the other is at the end of the dungeon path.
In the dungeon to the far left, marked by a titan hand at the entrance, you'll find one hidden in a room to the left of a small area in which you fight a few birdmen.